
Next Steps help you get connected, discover your purpose,

and start making a difference!


Take the Next Step!

Whether you’ve never been to church before, or if you’ve attended church your whole life, we want to help you take the next steps in your journey of faith! Next Steps is all about getting deeply connected to others in the church, helping you discover your God-given purpose, and then helping you use that information to make a difference in the lives of others.


Step One: Welcome to church party

Join us and other newcomers for our Welcome to Church Party! Meet some of our pastors and leaders and learn more about who we are as a church. We’ll serve you lunch, watch your kids, and make sure you have an opportunity to make some friends!

Step Two: DiscoveRY

In our Discovery Course, you’ll learn the foundations of faith and what it means to be part of a church. Join us after service and learn the foundations of what we believe, why we believe it, and how this changes how we live. Learn about water baptism, church membership, and what happens when you donate to the ministries of the church. Lunch and childcare are provided!

Step Three: Serve

You were uniquely designed by God with a purpose! Use your strengths and gifts to make a difference each Sunday at Evangel and throughout the week!

Step Four: Connect
Click here to join a connect group

Here at Evangel, we want to make sure you have lots of opportunities to make friends and see your faith grow in smaller groups. We offer two semesters of groups: one in the fall and one in the spring.


You've finished Next Steps? Now what! 

We'd love to get you plugged in a team to start actively serving God by serving God's people. We know you have gifts and abilities that can be used to help people find Jesus. 


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