Did you know your support and prayers have impact in over 30 different countries across the world. The good news is being shared through 36 different global missionaries currently in the field and 10 additional organizations and projects abroad. The reach is still growing and it’s all because of you! Not only is the love of Jesus being spread to many nations across the world but also locally in our own community. You’ve helped support over 20 different local ministries right here too! Our local partners are ministering to many people through different projects and organizations. Some are listed below if you’d like to get involved directly.
Thank you for your continued support and prayers into our missions here at Evangel.
Mission Emphasis Week
In addition to regular missions’ updates, twice/year we hold a Missions Emphasis Week focusing on both our global and local missions work. During the Mission Emphasis weeks, we are inviting people to help us meet our annual mission’s goal by making a financial pledge. If you’d like to have someone reach out to learn more about how to set up giving - click on ‘learn more about pledge’ , or you can give today by clicking on ‘Give Now - 2025 Missions Pledge’
Financial Support
If you'd like to join us in supporting missions financially here are the best ways:
Click the button above to donate now using our pushpay website
Come into the office (Tue 10am-4pm, Wed - Thu 9am - 4pm) or use our donation stations on sunday mornings
Approximately 35 percent of all our donated dollars are designated towards Missions. Your giving goes to the direct support of our missionaries and their projects that we have committed to support. In addition to our committed support we also support a number of mission projects that are based on designated giving. Your giving to Evangel Missions make all this possible!
“For as much as you have done this for the least of these, you have done it unto me” Matthew 25:40
We are involved in outreach work right here in Kelowna with numerous local organisations as well as around the world with workers in many different countries helping to meet people’s very practical needs and showing them the love of Jesus.