

We Truly Believe You Can't Outgive God


The Bible says in Matthew 6:24 that the top competitor for our commitment to Jesus is money. Giving allows us to demonstrate that He is more important to us than material things. Not having cash or check on hand doesn’t have to hold you back from giving. You can be obedient today by giving online. There is no organization with more potential to change the world than the local church!

Become a Difference Maker

When you give, you are tangibly making a difference in someone's life. Marriages are restored, lives are healed, and people meet Jesus.
There's no better investment in the world.


A few ways to give


Give by Text

Follow the link that is sent to you, and you have will have the option for a one time donation or to set up recurring donations.

For special designated giving, fill in the memo field with a key word that would describe the designation.

Text ‘evangelkelowna
to 77977

noun_Give mail_444563.png

Give in Person

You may bring your donation (cash or check) with you to church on Sunday to place in the offering basket inside an offering envelope, or you can use one of our debit machines located in the foyer, or you can drop your donation off at the main office during the week.


Give Online

With online giving you will be able to make a one-time donation, or set up recurring donations using most major credit cards.

For special designated giving, fill in the memo field with a key word that would describe the designation.


Give by Mail

You can send your check to:

Evangel Church
3261 Gordon Drive
Kelowna, BC V1W 3N4

*When you send 'evangelkelowna' to 77977 you will receive a one time reply containing a link to give to Evangel Church (1msg/request). Please be aware that Msg & Data rates may apply. For full Terms & Conditions please visit For the Privacy Policy please visit For help reply HELP or STOP to cancel.


Give to Missions 

Approximately 35 percent of all our donated dollars are designated towards Missions. Your giving goes to the direct support of our missionaries and their projects that we have committed to support. In addition to our committed support we also support a number of mission projects that are based on designated giving. Your giving to Evangel Missions make all this possible!

“For as much as you have done this for the least of these, you have done it unto me” Matthew 25:40
